link love

Well folks, it's that wonderful time of the year again. That crazy weekend when all bets are off, survival of the fittest: Black Friday.

I'm off to Burlington with my sister-in-law for some bargain shopping. I've got a (very reasonable) list of things to buy for the upcoming holiday season. It's my attempt at not getting distracted by all the sales. I can't guarantee it'll work. There are a lot of distracting sales during Black Friday weekend. 

On another note, happy Thanksgiving to our American neighbors! I wish lots of good food and good times!

Oh look, fun links!

a yummy potato salad - perfect for a potluck
Frenglish: a Montreal phenomenon 
Isn't Jennifer Lawrence the beautiful spaz you wish you were friends with?
15 hours in freezing conditions? Worth it for these.
Quebec's really got its shit together.
Who's looking forward to The Hobbit?
Some good advice on keeping calm

So what are your plans for the weekend? How do you plan on kicking off the holiday season?

{image: my flickr}