wish for rain

 Rain gets such a bad rap. Rain is to summer what a traffic jam is to your commute; an uncontrollable force that you have to deal with no matter how much you hate it. It's a necessary evil. It's like the pariah of the  meteorological world.

That's how most people see it.

Yes, it might cancel a Sunday afternoon at the beach, put a damper your morning run, or ruin your hair before a hot date. But it can also turn that Sunday afternoon into a cozy day listening to the rain; turn that morning run into an invigorating way to kick off the day; and that hot date into the most romantic one of your life.

The smell and sound of the rain are two of my favourite things in the world. I wish I could bottle them up and keep them for a sunny day. There's nothing in the world like sipping a coffee on a terrace, watching the raindrops fall as they form into little puddles.

 listen to the rhythm of the falling rain

{photo credit: click image for source}